
What’s new at Buckfastleigh Foodbank?

22nd April 2023

Did you know we’re so much more than a foodbank?

Our new Financial Inclusion grant from the Trussell Trust has enabled us to secure an Advisor from Citizen’s Advice to be regularly available at Buckfastleigh Foodbank to support our clients.

This service has already proved to be an extremely popular and essential facility, connecting local residents with important information as well as a range of financial benefits that visitors may not be aware they are eligible for.

We now have a team of 14 people supporting Buckfastleigh Foodbank – including warehouse, café and referral personnel and a part time foodbank manager. Our referral team respond to requests for support via agencies including job centres, schools and social services.

Our food distribution takes place every Friday between 10am and Midday, at which point our free café is open to visitors while they wait. The café team are also on hand to answer any questions and offer advice where needed.

And to prepare for the unexpected, we always keep a box of supplies on hand in addition to our pre-planned collection packages to make sure we are always ready to help.

Over the next 12 months we anticipate the demand for foodbanks across the UK to grow. So we’re committed to lending a helping hand through difficult times by signposting all the relevant support our clients may need. Get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

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